Minilions, communication digitale
Expertise(s) : Social media – Web
Client : Minilions
Periode : 2016-2017
Sector(s) : Children – Service
Objectives :
Launch and develop the new “micro-crèches” brand in France.
Build the content of a new brand and provide identity and visibility.
Strategy :
Mix public relations and digital ecosystem to develop brand awareness at lower cost.
Device :
Creation of editiorals,
Public relations,
suitable digital ecosystem including :
a responsive, attractive website
mini-sites for each micro-crèche
Grouping and animating a community on social networks
Creation of a Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn page
Implementation of an editorial and graphic charter
Implementation of a shared and dynamic editorial schedule
Production of engaging content
Reporting and analysis of KPIs defined upstream.
Support for customer service and moderation
Discover their website and their Facebook page.