ÊtreS au Travail

Expertise(s) : Strategy – Event
Client : International Labour Organization
Period : 2019
Sector(s) : Corporate
Objectives :
To publicize the exhibition “EtreS au Travail”, displayed on the gates of the Luxembourg Gardens to celebrate the centenary of the International Labour Organisation, and the news and agenda surrounding this event (press presentation for the ILO, a symposium and an inauguration at the French Senate, publication of a book) to all influencers and journalists.
Strategy and Device :
Strategic advice, global operational support, coordination with the Senate and the ILO (International Labour Organization), press briefing at ILO France headquarters.
Editorial advice for all communication, press releases, press kits, digital communication and social media.
Social media management and leadership.
Design and implementation of a photograph pitch with blogger partnerships to invite the public contribution on their own vision of “ Labour ” at large ; the winning photograph was displayed alongside the other visuals in the exhibition.
Contacts, reminders and organization of interviews with the media.
Results :
TV and radio appearances: France 2, Telematin, Public Sénat, France Culture, RFI, France Info
More than seventy publications in March/ April, including a presence in all the majors, Le Monde, Libération, Le Figaro, l’Humanité, Le Parisien.
And various media: Lci.fr, Hommes de luxe, le journal des femmes, Paris Capitale, Where Paris, Photo, Alternatives économiques …
Announcement of the exhibition on the 170 illuminated signs of the city of Paris
More than 10,000 visitors on the digital communication device.